Victory Trinity Lutheran
3208 W. Victory Dr.
Ludington, MI 49431
Contact us
(231) 843-8711
It is our mission to share God’s love and forgive-
ness with all those we meet through our words
and our actions, to encourage all to follow
Jesus., and to reach out to meet human needs in
every way we can as we are enabled and
empowered by God. It is also our special mis-
sion to take care of God’s creation.
Victory Trinity
Lutheran Church
Our youth efforts include a Sunday
School, Vacation Bible School, first
communion instruction and confirmation
training. We are proud of our young
people and all the help they willingly offer.
Our community involvement efforts
include participation in the local
Community Table program and homeless
shelter as well as a beatification project.
We have also had a strong commitment to
the Christmas Child program, the Annual
Walk to End Alzhiemers, Mason County
Relay for Life effort and an annual Walk to
End Hunger. Other local charities such as
the HELP Ministries and Salvation Army
food bank are given our support. We try
to live the ELCA statement - “God’s Work
Our Hands”.
We have an active group of talented ladies
that knit or crochet beautiful prayer
shawls that are given to people that are
ailing, graduates or other significant
accomplishment. A “Projects Day”
program crafts quilts for the needy,
church banners and many other items to
fill the needs of others.
Big Sable Point Light House
God’s Work .
Our Hands.