November 3rd Worship at 9:00 AM EST (Easter Standard Time) turn back your clocks one hour.  November 10th Social Hour following worship.  November 14th Hymn selection 11 AM at Iris home.  November 24th Christmas Child shoeboxes blessing.  Ludington Woods 3PM, Meet at north entrance at 2:45PM
Next Council meeting  November 17th  following the worship service at 10:15  Worship service is live on Facebook
Coming Events Announcements
  Donations Donations
Sleeping Bear Dunes
God’s Work . Our Hands.
November 3rd Worship at 9:00 AM EST (Easter Standard Time) turn back your clocks one hour. November 10th Social Hour following worship. November 14th Hymn selection 11 AM at Iris home. November 24th Christmas Child shoeboxes blessing. Ludington Woods 3PM, Meet at north entrance at 2:45PM
Next Council meeting November 17th following the worship service at 10:15 Worship service is live on Facebook
Coming Events Announcements
Donations Donations
Sleeping Bear Dunes
God’s Work . Our Hands.